Saturday, January 16, 2016

Stop the Diet, I Want to Get Off!

As someone who has been on one diet or another most my adult life, I'm always looking for something that might work. I've scoured the internet looking for comparisons of the various diets out there. The best I have been able to find was a paragraph or less about each big name diet with a few pros and cons, but never anything in depth. However this book gave me exactly what I have been searching for over the years. And also gave many tools that were easy to understand to recognize good diets and "fad" diets that promise big results but in the long run could do more harm then good. 

Lisa Tillinger Johansen really explains why diets work and what to look for. And she goes on to give tools for the reader to succeed in their own diets. I've taken nutrition courses in the past, so much what I read was familiar, but it was a great refresher and I ended up taking notes to apply to my current eating plan.  I've always been curious what were considered the most successful diet to lose weight healthily, because many diets have the guise of being "healthy" but really can do damage to your organs in the long run. And Lisa Tillinger Johansen's explanations of each diet break down the diets specifically pointing out what parts of the diet could be potentially harmful. And in the end she gives the advice that any good Dietitian and Nutritionist would give their patients on portion size and food suggestions. She doesn't tell you to give up everything you love, more to change the ratio of the foods you already eat and try to make as much food as you can yourself. There's nothing that is truly banned as long as its in moderation. 

I highly recommend this book for anyone who has tried multiple diets with little end result to help weed out the good and the bad. I truly enjoyed reading it and have already applied much of her suggestions to my current diet and have already lost some weight applying her principles.

I received this book for review at NetGalley.

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